25 sept 2011


DENITE (Redlight Music)

01. Matthias Reiling ' Summoning '79 (Map.ache Sad Reiling Mix) / Giegling
02. Pawas - Existence / Night Drive Music
03. Miguel Campbell - Something Special / Hot Creations
04. Skudge - Overture (Substance remix) / Skudge Records
05. Matthias Meyer - Tout Va Bien (Kink remix) / Liebe*Detail
06. Wolfram Feat. Haddaway - A Thing Called Love (Kink Dub) / Permanent Vacation
07. Ferdinand Dreyssig - 72 Degrees / Resopal Schallware
08. Johnwaynes feat. Stee Downes - The Yeah Yeah / Cécille Numbers
09. Hector G - Deep in my Soul (Carlo remix) / Redlight Music
10. Denite - The Cross / Sincopat

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